Las escrituras del yoautobiografía y memorias en la literatura española (1975-2010)

  1. Pérez Navarro, Pascual
Dirigida per:
  1. José María Pozuelo Yvancos Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 de de juliol de 2023

  1. Francisco Vicente Gómez President
  2. María José García Rodríguez Secretària
  3. Carmen María López López Vocal
  1. Literatura Española, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada

Tipus: Tesi


The “autobiography matter” is one of the main problems for Literary Criticism since the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. First of all, the appearance of a new concept of individuality, within the Postmodernity, as an issue eased by the technological and digital development, has meant an overexposure of privacy and intimacy, which indicates a change in self-status. Simultaneously, Literary Theory of Genres progress through hybridisation between categories: writers are continuously looking for new ways of express themselves, trying to overcome Literary Theory’s labels. Finally, autobiography is nowadays considered from several subjects, and it has been placed in the middle of those studies. Define “the autobiographical borders” is the aim of this thesis. Our general objective is to analyse a corpus of autobiographies and memories locates into a particular chronotope, which will allow us to establish the features of that kind of writing into Spanish literature. That objective is summed up in specific goals: to recognise autobiographic styles, and to deduce why this genre is so spread in Spanish literature in the period of 1975-2010. In respect of Methodology, the aforesaid corpus has been restricted to Spanish writers who has published their autobiographies between 1975 and 2010, because of its chronological closeness, which means that there are not too much studies about that subject, but there are enough studies in order to support our dissertation. Finally, we can verify the presence of certain facts in all the autobiographic texts, connected to historical events in Spain: crisis at the beginning of the century, political instability, Spanish Civil War, the exile, Franco regime, Spanish Transition and civil reconstruction. We have to add the autobiographical marks, what are attached to autobiography and memory writings: self-configuration, self-referential issues, limit among truth and literature, revenge and disclaimer of consciousness. In conclusion, memory needs to be put into words so as to self-writer can narrate the events of his life, and how did he experienced them.