Farmacocinética y Farmacodinamia de tildipirosina en Medicina Veterinaria

  1. Galecio Naranjo, Juan Sebastián
Supervised by:
  1. Elisa Escudero Pastor Director
  2. Pedro Marín Carrillo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 17 July 2023

  1. Manuel Ignacio de San Andrés Larrea Chair
  2. María José Cubero Pablo Secretary
  3. Casilda Rodríguez Fernández Committee member
  1. Pharmacology

Type: Thesis


Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has the potential to become one of the primary threats to global public health and economy. In veterinary medicine, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of antibiotics plays a crucial role in establishing appropriate dosing regimens that ensure clinical efficacy while minimizing the risk of the appearance/development of bacterial resistance. Therefore, the overarching objective of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tildipirosin in small ruminants and horses. Independent crossover studies using clinically healthy animals were conducted to study the disposition kinetics of tildipirosin in goats, sheep, and horses. Single doses of tildipirosin were administered by intravenous (2 mg/kg), intramuscular (4 mg/kg), and subcutaneous (4 mg/kg) routes, with blood samples collected after that at predetermined time points. In the case of goats, milk samples were also obtained. Simultaneously, blood samples were collected to assess analytes associated with muscle damage and inflammation. Furthermore, two analytical techniques were validated and compared to quantify tildipirosin using liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. One technique involved acetonitrile precipitation in goat milk, while the other employed liquid-liquid extraction with pH modification in horse plasma. Finally, the bacterial sensitivity of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus spp, and Mycoplasma agalactiae in isolates from goats, as well as Pasteurella multocida from sheep, to tildipirosin was evaluated under standard culture conditions. The impact of serum supplementation in the culture medium on the potency of tildipirosin was also assessed. Both techniques, liquid-liquid extraction with pH modification and acetonitrile precipitation, are valuable for quantifying tildipirosin. They are simple, quick to execute, and require low material costs. However, the liquid-liquid extraction technique with pH modification stands out due to its shorter sample processing time and to avoid interferences with endogenous compounds, which helps to prevent quantification errors. In terms of administration, intramuscular absorption of tildipirosin in animals was faster and more pronounced than subcutaneous administration. Regardless of the administration route, tildipirosin exhibited complete availability in horses and goats, while its availability in sheep was moderate. Based on the absorption and disposition profiles, it can be concluded that intramuscular administration provides more consistent exposure to tildipirosin compared to the subcutaneous route. Tildipirosin demonstrates prolonged half-lives and high distribution volumes following extravascular administration, indicating extensive distribution throughout the body. In lactating goats, tildipirosin is widely distributed to the mammary gland, resulting in high antibiotic concentrations in milk and somatic cells, reaching levels 22 to 45 times higher than in plasma. The elimination half-life of tildipirosin was shorter in goats than in sheep and horses, primarily due to its high excretion through the milk, which serves as an additional elimination pathway. To ensure no residues of tildipirosin in goat milk, a minimum withdrawal period of 45 days is recommended. The intramuscular application of tildipirosin caused mild myolysis in sheep, goats, and horses without any apparent inflammatory response. Therefore, it can be concluded that the administration of tildipirosin via different routes in sheep, goats, and horses is safe. The susceptibility of mastitis-causing agents in goats to tildipirosin is generally low under standard conditions. However, Pasteurella multocida from pulmonary diseases in sheep exhibited high sensitivity to tildipirosin. Furthermore, adding serum to the standard culture medium enhanced the potency of tildipirosin. Consequently, antibacterial susceptibility studies for tildipirosin should be conducted under conditions similar to those encountered at the site of infection