Estudio sobre el modelo didáctico de los docentes del área de lengua y literatura y su relación con el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora (Bonao, República Dominicana)

  1. López de Contreras, Rossanny
Supervised by:
  1. Eduardo Encabo Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 09 January 2023

  1. Isabel Jerez Martínez Chair
  2. José Rovira Collado Secretary
  3. Raúl Cremades Committee member
  1. Didactics of Language and Literature (Spanish, English and French)

Type: Thesis


Reading comprehension is defined as the capacity of the human being to understand objectively what the author wants to transmit, constructing a personal and concrete explanation. The results obtained by Secondary Education students in reading comprehension have a very low score, as evidenced by the various national and international evaluations. Teachers also present a performance with many aspects to improve in the results of teacher performance evaluation. It is for this reason that this research seeks to evaluate the pedagogical models of Spanish Language teachers and their relationship with the level of reading comprehension of their students. This research is governed by a quantitative, correlational, descriptive approach and is aimed at all the teachers of the aforementioned area corresponding to the First Cycle of Secondary Education of District 06 and a sample of 332 students distributed in the three grades. The techniques and instruments used were: survey-questionnaire for the teachers and reading comprehension test for the students. The results reveal that a significant percentage of teachers follow a mixed model, presenting slight weaknesses in the use of strategies, activities and resources, with regard to their students, most of them are positioned in the elementary category, which corresponds to the second level of comprehension, and in last place in the satisfactory category. There is a relationship between the models and reading comprehension. These results show the need to deepen the models that favor constructivism and communicative approach.