El tratamiento de la comprensión lectora en el marco de la didáctica de la lengua y la literaturaun estudio descriptivo en centros de Educación Primaria del municipio de Lorca (Región de Murcia)

  1. Fernández-Rufete Navarro, Ana
Supervised by:
  1. Eduardo Encabo Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 July 2022

  1. Amando López Valero Chair
  2. José Rovira Collado Secretary
  3. Mónica Ruiz Bañuls Committee member
  1. Didactics of Language and Literature (Spanish, English and French)

Type: Thesis


This PhD thesis describes the treatment given to the teaching and learning process of reading comprehension in the Primary Education stage from the viewpoint of the teachers who teach the subjects of Spanish Language and Literature and Comprehensive Reading in schools in the municipality of Lorca. At the same time, an analysis is made of the work approach of reading and text comprehension in the textbook programming units for Spanish Language and Literature and, finally, the representativeness attributed to reading comprehension from the regulations in force in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia is presented, obtaining a global overview of the working perspective of this competence. Therefore, the study aims to approach the pedagogical practices of teachers and the resources implemented, getting a current view of the competence in reading comprehension, in order to adopt new ways of action to promote this linguistic skill. The aim of this study is also to assess the value given to this skill by educators and the frequency with which they incorporate different components of this teaching-learning process. For data collection, this descriptive study with a mixed approach uses the quantitative questionnaire and the content grid and analysis sheet as qualitative instruments. Firstly, the questionnaire is designed and applied to assess the treatment of reading comprehension and the work approach of different components of the reading process. After applying simple random sampling, the sample was made up of 81 teachers who teach Spanish Language and Literature and Comprehensive Reading in Primary Education in 15 schools in the municipality of Lorca. On the other hand, content analysis is the technique used to assess the legal documents and the textbook programming units from three publishers. Specifically, the content grid is the standardised tool that analyses the work approach of reading comprehension in programming units, taking a non-probabilistic intentional sampling. With regard to the treatment and analysis of the data, the questionnaire is analysed using the SPSS statistical analysis programme, which conducts a descriptive analysis of frequencies and a global and comparative analysis between variables. In addition, the qualitative analysis of textual information from the open-ended answers is performed with Atlas.ti. Equally, the information collected on the textbooks with the registration grid is analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, using SPSS for the descriptive statistical analysis and Atlas.ti to categorise the descriptions. The most significant results of the research show that some components of the teaching and learning process of reading comprehension need to be improved and renewed. In fact, the study reveals that, despite the use of a variety of strategies in reading activities, emphasis should be placed on metacognitive strategies as well as going beyond the literal and inferential level, introducing textual diversity and opting for resources other than the textbook and the activity book. On the other hand, reading comprehension activities are focused on assessing the result, obviating the comprehension process undertaken by the reader. In addition, the work mechanisms incorporated during a reading sequence are characterised by autonomous work and, at the same time, there is a perceived absence of active methodologies, which calls for a clear methodological renovation. As for the approach and guidelines for reading comprehension work offered in textbooks, the reading sequences adopt a traditional style through a reading development with little renovation and devoid of strategies and guidelines before and during reading, focusing this skill on tasks that are assessed after reading. Therefore, this teaching process is neither planned in detail nor enriched in procedures, preventing the forging of a reading behaviour aimed at gradual comprehension of what has been read and the appropriation of the text at any given moment. From this point onwards, the implications in the practical and educational field include the design and development of lines of action based on the inclusion of active methodologies, teacher training and the renewal of teaching materials and the introduction of resources with a strategic and active approach. The remodelling proposals and work sequences for reading will properly guide the reading process, for the purpose of strengthening the teaching and learning process of reading comprehension and the role of the students in it.