Nuevos datos sobre la distribución de mamíferos (Mammalia) en las dunas de Erg Chebbi (Marruecos)

  1. Ferrández Verdú, T. 1
  2. Ruiz Rocamora, A. 1
  3. Perales Pacheco, P. 1
  4. Arnaldos Giner, I. M. 1
  5. Tapia Claro, M. 2
  6. Alguazas Martínez, J. A. 1
  7. Asensio-Pérez, A. I. 3
  8. Carrillo López, A. F. 1
  9. da Silva, Y. 4
  10. Galián, J. 3
  1. 1 Sociedad de Estudios Biológicos Iberoafricanos (SEBI)
  2. 2 Sociedad de Estudios Biológicos Iberoafricanos (SEBI) - Gelaya-Ecologistas en Acción Melilla
  3. 3 Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Murcia
  4. 4 Jarit asociación civil
Graellsia: revista de zoología

ISSN: 1989-953X

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 75

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3989/GRAELLSIA.2019.V75.218 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Graellsia: revista de zoología


The progressive increase of adventure tourism in the area around the dunes of Erg Chebbi has threatened, for almost two decades, the conservation of the only dune complex (Erg) of Morocco. In order to assess some of the effects of this activity on the local mammal communities, an intensive sampling was carried out between March and April 2018, based on 5 different detection methods. The main objective was to evaluate the presence and current distribution of the mammal species cited in the area since 1900. Of the 16 species historically cited, 9 have been detected in the present work, which represents 56.2%. The total absence of data on 5 of the potentially most abundant species such as Gerbillus amoenus (de Winton, 1902), Gerbillus gerbillus Olivier, 1801, Gerbillus tarabuli (Thomas, 1902), Pachyuromis duprasi Lataste, 1880 and Psammomys obesus Cretzschmar, 1828 is remarkable. Some data point to the drastic reduction of water resources experienced in recent years, as one of the causes of the apparent reduction of their populations. At the same time, other species with lower water requirement , such as Meriones libycus Lichtentstein, 1823 or Jaculus jaculus Linnaeus, 1758, have an apparent good state of conservation. The presence of Poecilictis libyca Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833 is confirmed after 32 years without being cited.

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