El castigo aplicado al Tyrannus Argimundo según el Chronicon de Juan de Bíclaro

  1. José Ángel Castillo Lozano
  2. José Antonio Molina Gómez
Potestas: Religión, poder y monarquía. Revista del Grupo Europeo de Investigación Histórica

ISSN: 1888-9867

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 9

Pages: 35-52

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6035/POTESTAS.2016.9.2 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Potestas: Religión, poder y monarquía. Revista del Grupo Europeo de Investigación Histórica

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The aim of this study is to examine the tyrannical leading figure of Argimundo and the punishments he endures after failing in his armed upraising against Reccared’s government (586-601) according to John of Bíclaro, bishop of Gerona. We will make use of the conventional parallel documented by bishop Julian of Toledo in his Historia Wambae Regis about the punishments imposed on Paul, the rebel who attempted to take up arms against Wamba’s reign (672-680). Our main purpose is to shed light on the literary creation of the tyrannus figure within the Visigoth tradition, and its special place in the conception of power in this people’s collective imaginary.