Extensibilidad de la musculatura isquiosural en gimnasia estetica de grupo

  1. Conesa-Ros, E. 1
  2. Martínez-Gallego, F.M. 1
  3. Santonja-Medina, F. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03p3aeb86

Cuadernos de psicología del deporte

ISSN: 1578-8423 1989-5879

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 16

Issue: 3

Pages: 89-100

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de psicología del deporte


Flexibility is one of the fundamental elements of the physical con- dition in certain sports disciplines, especially in the various forms of gym- nastics. In these disciplines a range of motion (ROM) articulate maximum in most joints for the execution of technical gestures ends higher value in the regulations is required. The hamstring is a two-joint muscle group, due to its origin and insertion, has effects on the knee, hip and static and dyna- mic pelvis. For the effect that the continued practice of gymnastics can have on the extensibility of the hamstring muscles, evaluations were performed with the test distance finger-plant test lumbo-horizontal angle in flexion and test the vertical angle of 94 female gymnasts specialty of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics (GEG) aged between 9 and 18 years of national and international level. The results of the three assessments indicate that all gymnasts have a hamstring muscle extensibility higher than the average of the general population and higher than other modalities. In addition there has been a significant increase in flexibility with increasing age of the gymnasts. These results demonstrate the high requirements of flexibility and ROM of this sport, flexibility are gradually acquiring the gymnasts as they ascend age category.

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