Valor pronóstico y predictivo de los receptores de andrógenos en el cáncer de mama

  1. Paredes Quiles, Miriam
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Piñero Madrona Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 June 2018

  1. Anibal Nieto Díaz Chair
  2. Rafael Cano Muñoz Secretary
  3. Laia Vernet Vegue Committee member
  1. Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Type: Thesis


PURPOSE: - Know the incidence of AR expression in a clinical series. - Study the relationship with known epidemiological, clinical-diagnostic and therapeutic prognostic variables. - Study the relationship with other histopathological and immunohistochemical variables of known prognostic value. - Analyze the prognostic value for OS and DFS of the expression of AR. - To investigate the prognostic interest of the expression of AR for OS and DFS depending on the TNM stage. - Investigate the prognostic value of the expression of AR for OS and DFS stratified by the expression of ER. METHODS: This is a prospective observational study of patients diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinical Hospital in the period from February 2004 to April 2012. Patients undergoing invasive carcinoma of the breast with tumors were included. to which the expression of AR was determined by immunohistochemistry. Cases of breast cancer in men and ductal carcinoma in situ were excluded. The registered variables were grouped into: epidemiological (age, age of menarche, menopause, age of menopause, gestations, number of pregnancies, primitive age, breastfeeding, smoking, OC / HRT, family history, history of mammary pathology, previous biopsy , rediciva), clinical-diagnostic (palpability, lesion, BI-RADS, MIBI), histopathological (size, T, number, focality, histological type, differentiation, margins, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node involvement, SN, nº SN axilla, nodes axillary lymphadenectomy, nº axilla positive lymph nodes), immunohistochemical (ER, PR, AR, Herceptest, Ki67, p53, IHC profile, IHC sub-profile), therapeutic (technique, axilla, radiotherapy, QMT, neoadjuvant, HT, HT pattern, biological therapies) and follow-up (DFS, DFS (%), OS, OS (%)). CONCLUSIONS: 1. The incidence of AR expression was 168 in a series of 357 cases of invasive breast carcinoma. 2. A relationship between the expression of AR and the age variables of the menopause and the use of HT in the univariate analysis is evidenced. The relationship between the expression of AR and the age of menopause is maintained in the multivariate analysis. 3. An association between the expression of AR and the histological type variables, ER expression, PR expression, Ki67 and IHC profile in the univariate analysis is observed. The relationship of the expression of AR with ER is maintained in the multivariate analysis. 4. The expression of AR is associated with a better OS compared to patients who do not express AR. 5. The expression of AR is linked to better OS and DFS in patients in stage III. 6. A relationship between the expression of AR and ER regarding OS or DFS is not objectified.