Archena 1931-1945segunda República, guerra civil y primeros años de postguerra
- Pedro María Egea Bruno Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 18 July 2017
- José Antonio Cobacho Gómez Chair
- Diego Victoria Moreno Secretary
- Juan Martínez Leal Committee member
Type: Thesis
This PhD dissertation intends to analyse with utmost riguor and objectivity, the years of the Spanish Republic, the Spanish Civil War and first years of Franco regime in Archena, a village in the rearguard of Murcia. To do this, this work will aim to answer some key questions: How were implemented republican democratic procedures? What were the main political, economic and social problems during the 1930s? How did the uprising affect? How Civil war developed in the village? Were revolutionary committees or other workers' control structures created? Was there repression in the Republican rearguard? How was the local power reorganized after the uprising? Which were the structures responsible for repression. How was repression under dictatorship of Franco? How was the repression put into practice? When did it start? Did it affect the whole population equally? Who were the repressed? What were the power structures under dictatorship? How were they organized? Obviously, any research that tries to answer this question must take into account economic, politic and social factors. That's mean we need to analyse the socio-economic context like education, religion, culture, sport and leisure and scape. These factors have been placed in three chronological moments: Republic, Civil war and post-war period. This work has four main objectives: - To analyse the impact of political and social events on citizen of Archena from 1931 to 1945. - To study violence and repression processes during the Civil war and Post-war period and analyse the impact on neighbors. - To study the repercussion and importance of the military presence in the town during the civil war - Analyse the beginning of dictatorship and its effect on the changes that the Republic had produced. In order to contextualize the repressive post-war apparatus we focused on two points. On the one side, the fact that Archena was the place chosen by the republican army to install a training camp, aimed to host the soldiers operating the tanks bought from the Soviet Union, the T-26 and BT-5 units. That made of this village a big logistic centre with a huge military presence, a fact that marked the lives of its inhabitants. Indeed, it had an effect upon the dimension of repression here, given the fact that many people in Archena worked for the Republican and the Russian army in various military facilities. On the other side, we analised in detail the summaries of the trials of 203 persons held at the Court-Martial, materials that can be found in the Naval Archive of Cartagena. We provide a big amount of very interesting informations related to these summaries, informations that are completed by the records found in the Local Archive of Archena and related to the Court of Politic Responsabilities. These two sources increase the number of prosecuted people in the town up to 390 persons and made a contrast with the sources of the so-called General Trial ('Causa General') in order to offer a different perspective. In this PhD we pay also attention to the big number of war victims that died in the military hospital during the war and the soldiers (volunteers or not) that died on the war front. A whole lost generation.