Vertical ridge augmentation of fibula flap in mandibular reconstruction: A comparison between vertical distraction, double-barrel flap and iliac crest graft

  1. Cuéllar, C.N.
  2. Caicoya, S.O.
  3. Cuéllar, I.N.
  4. Pérez, S.V.
  5. Sirandoni, R.F.
  6. Antúnez-Conde, R.
  7. Montiel, A.D.
  8. Pérez, A.S.
  9. López, A.M.L.
  10. Vila, C.N.
  11. Escobar, J.I.S.
Journal of Clinical Medicine

ISSN: 2077-0383

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-16

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3390/JCM10010101 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor