Twin Family Registries Worldwide: An Important Resource for Scientific Research

  1. Hur, Y.-M.
  2. Bogl, L.H.
  3. Ordoñana, J.R.
  4. Taylor, J.
  5. Hart, S.A.
  6. Tuvblad, C.
  7. Ystrom, E.
  8. Dalgård, C.
  9. Skytthe, A.
  10. Willemsen, G.
Twin Research and Human Genetics

ISSN: 1839-2628 1832-4274

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 22

Issue: 6

Pages: 427-437

Type: Review

DOI: 10.1017/THG.2019.121 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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