Implementación de un servicio web para la transferencia de los resultados de la investigación de la Región de Murcia mediante tecnologías de la Web Semántica y de gestión de contenidos
- Soler Del Pozo, Julio
- Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez Director
- Francisco Javier Martínez Méndez Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 07 September 2017
- José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz Chair
- José Antonio Moreiro González Secretary
- Ernest Abadal Committee member
Type: Thesis
Abstract The universities, as institutions that preserve, create and disseminate knowledge, should accomplish their functions in the most efficient and effective way, in order to be liable with the society that funds and supports them. The research activity is one of the basis of universities, as well as the main source of innovative knowledge and technologies. It is essential to transfer the obtained results in order for them to be applied in a productive environment and be useful in the society where it is included. Regarding with the public universities of the Region of Murcia, some shortcomings are observed in the current model of dissemination of this information and, therefore, it is possible a certain capacity of improvement of the transfer process of the research results. The objective of this thesis is to define an ontology for the appropriate representation about the domain of scientific information management and its use in the development of a web environment capable of incorporate the content management systems technology together with the possibilities of enrichment of data provided by the Semantic Web technologies. This development will allow to develop an infrastructure to create a web service for an optimal transfer of research results. In our research, it is assumed that the use of Semantic Web technologies and standards into an online application based on a content management system with a more structured content, will allow more complete and specific user queries, improving the effectiveness of the technology and scientific knowledge transfer and conferring interoperability to this information. To achieve this, we have carried out an analysis of the key concepts in relation to the scientific information dissemination and communication in digital environments such as 'open access' and 'open science'. In a second phase, we have studied what is the knowledge transfer in general and, more specifically, how it is carried out in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The next stage was the study of the Semantic Web technologies, especially the RDF model, the development of web ontologies and 'linked open data', as well as their interrelation with one of the CMS previously mentioned (WordPress), that has been used for semantic markup and implementation of metadata for provided a better search engines optimization. As a result, we have obtained a general overview of the research information services of the CURIE portal (University of Murcia) and of the R + D Groups portal (Polytechnic University of Cartagena). From this analysis, we have been able to propose a scenario for the development and implementation of an application for the research results transfer from the development of a specialized ontology and the integration of diverse platforms and 'frameworks' of semantic technology. In the section devoted to the conclusions, we confirm the hypothesis raised based on the results obtained in the proposed scenario and previous development, promoving a high degree of interoperability to the information already collected in the current web portals of both universities, which guarantees their reuse. There are also a number of general conclusions that place a great value on the dissemination and communication of science and the research results in the digital age, as well as the role of universities through the results transfer offices research. It also highlights the relevance of the application of Semantic Web technologies and their integration in content management tools for semantic reuse and enrichment through the exploitation of RDF datasets. Finally, the main contributions of the thesis and a series of research lines to be developed in the future are included. Key Words Open Access, Science, Linked Open Data, Semantic Markup, Ontologies, Content Management Systems, Research Results Transfer, Semantic Web, Wordpress.