Comportamiento informacional de los estudiantes de bachillerato en Españadiagnóstico de sus competencias digitales e informacionales
- Martinez Mendez, Joaquin
- José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz Director
- Francisco Javier Martínez Méndez Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 08 September 2017
- José Antonio Moreiro González Chair
- Rosana López Carreño Secretary
- Ernest Abadal Committee member
Type: Thesis
La investigación sobre la "Influencia de la introducción y desempeño de roles sobre las conductas interactivas del alumnado de Educación Primaria en un contexto de aprendizaje cooperativo" tiene como propósito principal estudiar la incidencia que la introducción de roles en el trabajo cooperativo tiene sobre la evolución y desarrollo de las conductas propias del parámetro de mutualidad, basándose en la observación directa y sistemática de las transacciones comunicativas que se producen en el seno del grupo durante la realización de las tareas propuestas. Se ha trabajado con una muestra de 110 alumnos de 1º, 2º y 3º curso de Educación Primaria. Se elaboró un diseño instruccional que se desglosa en seis sesiones de cincuenta minutos para cada curso, cuya finalidad es lograr que los alumnos trabajen de forma cooperativa y desarrollen conductas propias de los factores del parámetro estudiado: formulación de los puntos de vista propios; orientación hacia el otro; obtención de conductas de ayuda complejas; producción de conductas de ayuda directas; nivel de conversación; y control mutuo del trabajo. Los resultados indican que el nivel madurativo condiciona la aparición de actuaciones propias del parámetro de mutualidad, pero la calidad y cantidad de las transacciones comunicativas entre los miembros del grupo se incrementa con la práctica de la metodología cooperativa y con la introducción de roles, compensando las diferencias madurativas. that have been introduced in various literacy programs since 1974 and, at the moment, it has a special importance in the development of students curricula because different organizations consider it one of the key competencies that any young person must have developed at the end of its mandatory education to be able to enter in the adult life freely and satisfactorily, being able to develop lifelong learning throughout life. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to know how students of high school education are in terms of mastery of digital competences, in order to study the informational behavior developed by these students, trying to determine their strengths and weaknesses in order to design adequate programs of digital literacy during their educational career for correcting the possible deficiencies detected. The beginning hypothesis of this research assumes that the students of high school have enough level of competences at the beginning of the higher education and, therefore, their informational behavior during the same will be the suitable one, being able to retrieval, process, store and disseminate information in an optimal way, even if they finally decided to develop a research career. Otherwise, it would be necessary to identify shortcomings and propose measures of action. Three contextualization processes have been made to verify this hypothesis: the conceptual-terminological about competences and literacies; the legislative analysis that develops the educational framework of the higher secondary-education in Spain with special emphasis on the presence of digital literacy contents in these legal texts and, finally, a broad review on how the Spanish public universities face the training in digital skills of their students, teachers and management staff. The next step has been the conduct of a survey-diagnosis on the information behavior of high school students. In this phase participated 343 students from 9 high school institutes, it has allowed to extract a wide set of results and the writing of a series of conclusions that allow to conclude that the level of competences of the students is acceptable although they will need programs of reinforcement in different competences throughout their university degree. Regarded with the commitment of Spanish public universities to promote this training, there is still a long way to go for most of them, being the universities Carlos III of Madrid and Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona the most commitment and interest have shown so far.