El trabajador social como gestor de entidades no lucrativas

  1. Centenero De Arce, Fatima
Supervised by:
  1. Jerónimo Molina Cano Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 29 October 2020

  1. Francisco Gómez Gómez Chair
  2. Enrique Eduardo Raya Lozano Secretary
  3. María Paz García-Longoria Serrano Committee member
  1. Social Work and Social Services

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis analyses the effective role of social work in non-profit entities of Social Action in the Region of Murcia. Our study starts from the hypothesis that the social worker is not a mere processor of individual or collective aid, but a responsible for the maintenance of the entities through the achievement and management of the necessary means, by performing managerial and / or directive functions that are not known or recognized. This role of social workers in the non-profit sphere has not been specifically explored, and also the professional profile of social work linked to management or leadership positions in social services are not found enough, so the objectives which are pursued are: · To know the role of the Social Worker in the non-profit entities of Social Action in the Region of Murcia. · To establish what place the social worker occupies within this structure and what functions s/he performs. · To know if these functions are specific to the discipline, and how they are part of our theoretical construct. It has been found that the areas of management and direction have not been considered a priority in our discipline or in non-profit entities and it is an area that generates rejection among professionals, as if being a "manager" or "director" was not part of their skills, despite being specifically defined in the professional profile. Through the study of the history of the discipline and its evolution as well as of the entities of the Third Sector of Social Action, our field of study is framed, in order to later carry out a study of the structure and operation of regional entities, by checking the situation of the professional of social work in them through a questionnaire and in-depth interviews, in which data on their position in the organizational structure have been collected as well as the functions they perform. Furthermore, a study of the social work training programs in Spain has been conducted, which tries to know the importance of the study on the theory of organizations, administration and management and the specific study on non-profit entities. The data shows that the social worker participates in all the processes of the entity, management, supervision and intervention, and indeed it is the one who is in charge of the maintenance of the entity, managing human, economic and material resources, programmes, grants and not only of the so-called direct attention to which only 5% of the respondents are focused exclusively on. In addition, the social worker participates in fundamental management processes of the entity such as quality management, equality plans or social responsibility. However, only 8 people have recognized their manager / director category, which leads us to corroborate the lack of standardization in this type of entities of the professional role of administrator or manager, and in those in which the professional figure exists, they are not held by social workers. The equality that was sought with the bachelor's degrees has not been achieved, maintaining the previous job and salary categories and the competencies that appear in our degree are not defended. It has also been found that there is a profound lack of professional identity in the discipline, which has dragged on since its inception, and has a direct impact on the recognition of the proper status of professionals, who demonstrate a general dissatisfaction and lack of defence of the breadth and richness of the discipline