La construcción de ciudadanía en educación primaria a partir de lo literarioun estudio sobre las aplicaciones didácticas del álbum ilustrado desde un enfoque interdisciplinar
- Sebastián Molina Puche Director
- Beatriz Hoster Cabo Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 27 November 2019
- María Sánchez Agustí Chair
- Eduardo Encabo Fernández Secretary
- Rosa Tabernero Sala Committee member
Type: Thesis
Abstract This thesis has the aim to contribute to democratic citizenship education, that has become a priority for the European Union. Just well-trained citizenship, with critical sense, will be able to consolidate democracies and face the threats which lurk them. In this case, the study focuses on providing support to teachers of Primary Education, offering them an educational intervention program, which is about the use of picturebooks in the classroom. This literary genre has some features that make it conducive to the adoption of new points of view about the world, as well as to foster the questioning of social and cultural systems. Thus, the main goal of this research is the next one: verify the validity and suitability of picturebooks as a resource for teaching Social Sciences and Language and Literature in Primary Education, since an interdisciplinary perspective. There are other aims, relative to the curriculum analysis; the study of the texts themselves; the possibilities of use of picturebooks in the classroom; the teachers' knowledge of this kind of works; etcetera. Five central axes articulate the proposal, each linked to a research question: Civic Education (what contents to teach); Curriculum (what topics does it consider); Teachers (what they know about citizenship and picturebooks); Picturebooks (what is their potential); and Students (how could they learn). Regarding the Civic Education contents selected, they are Critical Thinking; Acceptance of and Respect for the Diversity; and Conflict Resolution. The methodology employed is evaluative (CIPP evaluation model). Due to the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques, it could be considered mixed, as well as. Throughout the different evaluations of the cited model, an educational intervention program has been designed (PECAL approach). The application processes have taken place in two state schools, in three stages. As participants the teachers of the two centers: thirteen educators; and the students of all years of Primary Education (144 students in the first phase, pilot experience; 286 in the second one; and 157 in the third one). In this thesis, apart from the program itself, an instrument for the analysis of the picturebooks has been elaborated, that fits with the aims of the study (PECAL model). Both designs were conceived based on the previous scientific framework. The results obtained seem to indicate that the potential of picturebooks become a reality using them in the classroom. It is possible to assert that the opportunities offered to talk on the texts in a large group and to individually express their opinions on the read serve for the students to reinforce the contents they already have and to acquire new ones thanks to the exchange of ideas. In all the years of both educational centers, children show critical thinking in their oral and written speeches (rejecting antidemocratic behaviors, questioning the discourses of the unique thought). They also evidence favorable attitudes to the diversity beyond the political correction; and, by the same token, they take a stance in favor of a non-violent conflict resolution. It is feasible to conclude that the objectives, in large part, have been accomplished. Nevertheless, some improvements for future implementations could be suggested, such as both progressive and reiterated application throughout the academic year.