Amor y formación de parejafactores implicados en la adolescencia

  1. Diaz Bastida, Maria Dolores
Supervised by:
  1. María Peñaranda Ortega Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2017

  1. Silvia Ubillos Landa Chair
  2. Enrique Javier Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz Secretary
  3. Francisco Pérez Fernández Committee member
  1. Basic Psychology and Methodology

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


Abstract This doctoral thesis main objectives are the review and the exposition of the factors involved in the phenomenon of love and the creation of couples and its manifestation in adolescence. We will use a theoretical review methodology, an exhaustive search of information that facilitates a detailed and selective study, offering a complete and unified vision of the general theme. Based on these issues, we have four large blocks. The first one, comprehends a broad perspective of love and partners. It includes a historic, cultural, theoretical and conceptual review which gives contextualization to these notions. In the second one, adolescent development in its several aspects is shown as well as the contrast between adolescence and childhood. The third block is about the biological aspect of love, from an evolutionary approach, to the involvement of cerebral substances and structures and their functions. The fourth one includes the contextual influence. On one hand, family which is in charge of the attachment building process, educational styles, abuse and divorce. And on the other hand, media and its role in the expansion and the reinforcement of stereotypes, gender roles and romantic love myths. As a conclusion, we point out that exposed factors lead to a general understanding of love and construction of the couple during the adolescent stage. The deep review of this issue, as a global vision, allows us to provide qualifications and limitations to those elements that require further analysis, as well as suggestions for possible future lines of research, based on the work and adaptation to daily needs, looking for an increase in awareness in teenagers and their environment. A knowledge about all these factors and the way in which they interact among themselves, facilitates the adoption of a more complex and objective view on the meaning of love and couples, influencing the creation of much healthier relationships now and in the future.