El fomento a la lectura, la literatura en el ámbito LGBT y la necesidad de una "Novela Blanca" en el periodo de la adolescencia

  1. Cotilla Conceição, José Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Aitana Martos García Director
  2. Eloy Martos Núñez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 08 February 2016

  1. María del Mar Campos Fernández-Fígares Chair
  2. Paulo Costa Secretary
  3. Eduardo Encabo Fernández Committee member
  4. María del Carmen Quiles Cabrera Committee member
  5. María Rosal Nadales Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research comes with the need of evaluating the type and variety of homosexual literature existing in the market. The purpose is to check if there are enough books and material focused on youth adults; and in case not, what are the historical, social and cultural reasons that define the current situation.The starting point is that the actual books and stereotypes found on the limited homosexual catalogue share an extremely common and limited perception of the homosexual individual. This narrow perception on the homosexual individual comes from the following ideas that repeat themselves through most of this kind of literature: suffering, depression, fear of rejection, grief, and a fatal fate. Same way, from the observations we could spot a trend in erotic, violent and sexual content in this type of literature.Due to the lack of literature of LGBT youth adult, there was a need to understand how the identity of an individual takes shape, stressing the importance of the teenage years and its impact on the long term. The conclusion was that this stage is the most important one when it comes to define the identity of the subjects. As there is barely no LGBT youth adult literature, I have proposed a new type of novel, called 'white novel' intending to support LGBT finding their identity.