Research Data
Researcher : Maria Dolores Frutos Bernal
5 research data referenced
Research data referenced by Maria Dolores Frutos Bernal.
Accumulation of dihydrosphingolipids and neutral lipids is related to steatosis and fibrosis damage in human and animal models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Accumulation of dihydrosphingolipids and neutral lipids is related to steatosis and fibrosis damage in human and animal models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Accumulation of dihydrosphingolipids and neutral lipids is related to steatosis and fibrosis damage in human and animal models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Dihydrosphingolipids are associated with steatosis and increased fibrosis damage in human and animal models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Dihydrosphingolipids are associated with steatosis and increased fibrosis damage in human and animal models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease